Pointer to the TOP level cellBorderFunction A function that lets you control the border drawing mechanism for each cell. Boolean Flag to enable export to word and excel. Dispatched when user double clicks on a row in row selection mode or cell in cell selection mode. In scenarios where it is known initially that there are children, set this property to the value of the object that identifies whether there are children. Pointer to the TOP level childrenField The property of the parent level object, that identifies the children that should be displayed on the next level. A list of items that the user has opened.
String Comma delimited string of the following words: Uploader:Date Added:7 March 2012File Size:70.11 MbOperating Systems:Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/XDownloads:76101Price:Free.Free Regsitration RequiredUpdates the visible state of all row selection checkboxes and header checkboxes. ReactDataGridFlexDataGridEvent Dispatched when user mouse outs on an icon enabled via the enableIcon flag on a column. Removes the column from the collection of flexiciosu at this level. A function that gets executed when the drag flexicious operation is complete.Scrolls to the row that appears flexucious the specified vertical position. String The property of the object on this level that should be used in the default sort at the root level. The backgrounds of the flexicious items alternate among the colors in the array.
Function that actually flexicious the print. This level will be a clone of the base level. String Given a container, flexicious its displayOrder string equivalent. Returns the container for flexiicious given cell.Otherwise, the level will always draw the expand collapse icon. This is applicable for virtual scroll, where there are large amounts of data, potentially millions of rowsand the user navigates through these large numbers of records. ArrayCollection Flexicious list of items that the user has opened.Sets the multiple preferences array. Converts the given global Point to local co-ordinates.
By default, the grid draws a set of expand collapse icons on the left locked section.flexicious Introducing Flexicious Ultimate!Default handler for flexicious Print Button. Returns the column with the specified UniqueIdentifier, only at the root level. ToolbarAction read-only Returns the built in Filter Action.
Function A function that flexicious whether drop should be shown. The ht will return this value if the calculated height is less than the passed in ht.Navigates to the cell to the left the currently highlighted cell Keyboard. Pointer to the TOP level nestIndent he indentation to apply to each progressive flexiciois level. Will basically perform a inbuilt export to TXT The result of the flexicious operation is pasted to the clipboard. Flexicious default value is. Boolean — Whether you are scrolling up or down.
Flexicious HTMLTreeGridFunction Default function will return the value of expandTooltip or collapseTooltip. The Export options object that is used to configure flexicious excel export behavior – currently only supported in Ultimate.Flexiciojs he vertical scroll position of flexicious body container. FlexDataGridColumn read-only The column that initiated the drag.
Please note – if your dataprovider is a flat array collection, along with childrenfield, you will also need to specify a parentField that exists on the children flexicious to point back to the parent.Boolean A Flag that indicates if there are any errors.fleexicious Number Thickness of the header vertical grid lines. In scenarios where it is flexicious initially that there are children, set this property to the value of the object that identifies whether there are flexicious.Sets the currentBackgroundColors property is a result of the following logic.
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By default, when the grid’s creation complete event is dispatched, the grid will go in and load the saved preference.
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